About the Journal

Journal title Journal of Psychology and Humans
Initials JOPAH
ISSN Online On Process
ISSN Print On Process
Frequency 2 issues per year (June, December)
DOI On Process
Publisher CV. Cendekiawan Muda Sriwijaya (Publisher Legality)
Subject Areas Islamic Psychology, Psychology, Behavioral Sciences
Citation Analysis Google Scholar|


Journal of Pschology And Human is a scientific publication to disseminate information on Pschology research results to lecturers, students, and related institutions, especially in Indonesia, leading to an increase in Indonesia's Human Development Index. Journal of Pschology And Human is a collection of scientific works on research results conducted by researchers, both lecturers and students. This journal contains scientific studies from various branches of science. This journal is also open to writers from both inside and outside the University campus. Each edition of this journal contains 10 articles that have been deemed appropriate by the Journal of Pschology And Human management team.